
Friday, 8 March 2013

Aquamarine the Birthstone of March

 The birthstone for March is Aquamarine. 
It is said that Aquamarine is the Stone of Courage and Serenity
used to soothe, calm and alleviate fears and phobias, promotes safe travel on water, releases anxiety, restlessness, and combats depression.
Aquamarine blue the colour of the sky and of water is a variety of Beryl.  No wonder  this stone is attuned to the ocean and helps us to get in touch with the spirits of the sea.  Close your eyes, breath deep and remember sitting on the beach at dusk, the water coming in, the cool breeze. This is Aquamarines gift to you.
According to legend it has its origin in the treasure chest of the mermaids, and has for ages been reputed to be a lucky stone for sailors. Very good stone to take on vacations and cruises.
Physical Healing Properties: Throat, spleen, heart, immune system, thymus, lymph nodes. Especially: mouth, ears, breathing allergies, journeys, sea goddess, seeing through people, protection.  (info from the web)
 I have never been in the postion to buy this beautiful gem, but if this is your birthstone perhaps you have a piece of jewellery that you would like to share with us?  Love  to hear from you....
If it is your birthday this month - my very best wishes for a year filled with good health and happiness.


  1. Hi Ikki, thank you for the info on my birthstone. I might just take a trip to the National Stone Centre and see if they have one that I can afford :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. Thanks for all the interesting information on the gemstone. My engagement ring has an aquamarine but as far as I can remember (very long time ago) it was chosen because of its colour and I knew nothing else about it.

  3. Hi Ikki, it's me again. No, I haven't been to the National Stone Centre yet but I will, probably when it gets a bit warmer :o)
    Jackie xx


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